SFG Successful Deal

Bank Note Due, Unfinished Construction, Listing to Expire

The dilemma: Luxury spec home under construction, listed for sale with a local Realtor. Local bank had fully dispersed a $900,000 loan and yet another $400,000 was needed to complete the project. Out of money, this project was losing momentum fast. For the local bank, rewriting the loan and advancing additional funds was not an option. They were already at their house limit. The local Realtor could only bite his nails while the expiration date on his listing drew closer. The Solution: Within 24 hours of the first phone call, SFG Underwriter Kent Rowe made a house call in front of the Mortgage Broker, Realtor, Builder and Banker to come up with a creative solution. Within 7 business days, SFG had funded a new $1,150,000 construction completion loan. From its proceeds, SFG paid the bank down $600,000 (the bank subordinated their remaining $300,000), and held the balance back to ensure the home’s completion. Who wins? The Banker avoids a big explanation to the board. The Realtor gets a fair shot with a reasonable marketing period. The Mortgage Broker earns the bragging rights for a job-well-done. And most importantly, the Borrower keeps momentum and gets to put the finishing touches on this magnificent new home “his way”. Sometimes the most complicated loans are funded with a simple phone call to SFG.

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