SFG Successful Deal

Repeat Builder at Suncadia Resort

This local Suncadia Builder in Eastern Washington has been constructing luxury homes for 15 years at one of most prestigious golf and recreation communities in the state. Suncadia Resort is just an 80 minute drive east of Seattle. It has become a second home market due to its convenient location and drier climate, making this a great location for outdoors enthusiasts of all seasons.

Even with the builder being of the highest level, luxury spec construction is simply not a favorite of traditional lenders in resort communities, and this project needed certainty. Seattle Funding Group was the perfect lending choice for this spec construction project in Suncadia. SFG’s vast experience in construction lending a long with being sensibly priced made SFG perfect fit.

Spec-building and construction financing always require detailed analysis and a little flexibility, perhaps more so than ever in today’s economic climate. In that regard, the borrower carefully considered his timing and sizing strategies to help produce an impressive market-driven product that was high demand. SFG quickly and carefully underwrites every request. Evaluating the plans, budget analysis, market conditions, finished value and strength of the borrower go in to every SFG lending decision.

This transaction is a perfect example of SFG’s lending capabilities and construction loan program flexibility. It is something that does not typically exist in today’s private money lending industry, and it is the reason that SFG remains the first call and the portfolio lender of choice for today’s experienced builders and brokers.

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